Audio & video content consumption

What type of audio and video content people most frequently consume daily


People consume all types of audio and video content everyday, and these services compete for people’s time from sunset to sundown.

Music and podcast are the most frequently consumed audio content in a typical day.

The most consumed Music services by individuals are Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play, and iTunes.

Relative to Audiobooks services, Audible, Scribd, Public Libraries, YouTube, and Barnes & Noble, and CDs are the most consumed.

Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube are the most consumed Videos services.

The most consumed Podcast & Radio services are Podcast, NPR, and Radio.

When do people consume audio and video content?

Listed in order of frequency, people consume audio and video content when: commuting, before bedtime, doing indoor activities, outdoor activities, at school, and at work.

The “I want to feel moments…”

At the end of individuals’ video watching experience they want to feel

motivated, relaxed, and learnt.

At the end of individuals’ audiobook listening experience they want to feel

…emotionally aroused, emotionally engaged, enjoyment, productive, smarter/learned, relaxed and have an altered behavior/mood [satisfied, self-helped].

At the end of individuals’ music listening experience they want to feel

satisfied and relaxed.

At the end of individuals’ podcast listening experience they want to feel


As a result of these “I want to feel moments,” Audio and video content compete with each other for individuals’ consumption based on having similar people’s expected outcomes.

To be sustainable, people want these desired behaviors be capable of maintenance through: convenience (anywhere, anytime, and any device) and must be easy, fast, and capable of high consumption on a daily rate.

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